May 2, 2008

Petite and described as quiet?

I have always been a solid girl. I think it was more muscle, but i was never really the skinny petite that a lot of my friends were. I also hung around a lot of blonds, but that's here nor there. And i tend to find guys who are a skinny lean attractive. Either its a dominance thing or what I desire in myself. I haven't felt small, well more petite, (I always feel short. I work with men's basketball players.) until last night. I was just standing next to TV sports guy, who has to be over 6-3, and i felt petite. It overwhelmed me a bit. I had to look up at him to make some type of come back at him. I must mention that he was still wearing make-up he uses for on-air stuff. 

Maybe its the big dog in a little dog body mentality. But only a few of my guy friends have ever made me feel petite. They always towered over me, i hung out with athletes in high school, (Go figure, right?), and only one really made me feel like that. I think i have matured a bit in my female thought process. Which slightly scares me, maybe worry is more like it. 

Oh, so apparently I am the quiet one at the Cardinals and Sports Info. I mean I like what I am getting to do, even if doing the stats are going to make me uber nervous tonight, and so therefore i take it serious. Sara and Larrea laughed at the idea of me being quiet. Even TV sports guy denied the idea of me as being described as quiet. Duane and some of the other account executives kinda laughed at the description too, but they see my more laid back style. Mike is very high maintenance so therefore, I don't need to be and take with whatever is thrown my way a little more relaxed. I want so badly to work in an area that is dominated by men, whether at an university or a professional level. I have to be more laid back and they don't necessarily need to tiptoe around me.

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