May 15, 2008

End of a semester

Ah. Another year has come to an end. well semester. the year has really only just begun. (You can't hear it, but I just went into a horribly awesome rendition of Barry White.) 

Anyway, Sara does have every right to tease me. I think i would be sad if she didn't. And she is probably right again... (gag, i admitted two rights to her!) about needing a buddy. But as we were talking, I realized that i just don't have any time or money to be social. McDon kept saying as cute as i am...i am a dork. Yeah, I can see that. I really don't think of myself in a pretty girl way. I am just a hard-worker, that generally gets put to the side. So when i get attention from the opposite sex, i goes over my head. 

Ah, need to study for my last final. damn. This sucks. 

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