May 29, 2008

small update

My coach is two hours behind me in another country. I just want this week to end. I want to sleep in. To 9 a.m. that's all i ask. Nap during some tennis or golf. laze around for once. 

I was going to type something really important here (Stop snickering.) but i can't remember it. You are just going to live in bated breath.

Oh small update: getting closer to the finishing. Still no word from the coach tho.

May 28, 2008

"Silly People"

ah, well yes. I am without a car. its been a week since the wreak. one of my bosses at Sports Info traced it all back to getting to walk on the grass. but then revenge must have been exacted today when they spent 5-6 hours fixing the infield that they forgot to tarp.

"silly people." direct quote from a text from Sara.

any way. I'm having hand cramps because i have been typing so much. I have to get most of the field hockey guide done by Friday and work on the baseball cards for Cardinals. The Cards started a 6-game home stand tonight. 

I survived the trip to Chicago. the gas prices are so much nicer than the $4.19 up there. 

May 23, 2008

A quick update

Oh so much has happened to me since wednesday. Actually everything seems to have started on wednesday. I got hit in the parking lot at the Cardinals by an actual employee. The car might be totalled even though it can still drive, i can't open the front passenger door. i left that for my dad to deal with. 

Yes, I am in Chicago right now. Well Northbrook, IL. for my cousin's wedding. It hasn't been so bad yet. Left really late Thursday got in really early Friday. got chocolate chip pancakes and some sleep. went to the rehearsal luncheon ate some seafood and kept it down so there is a small victory.

Talked to Sara most of the way to the hotel via text and Sports TV guy won News Hottie.  and then he asked about my old blond half at the cardinals. WTF? she has a boyfriend. Not cool my friend, not cool. well then while at the luncheon, he calls me. but doesn't answer a text that i sent him if he really meant to call me.

 but eh. im not in the state of missouri. that is a victory right there. thought it is nullified by the fact that we are traveling in a minivan with arkansas license plates. 

May 19, 2008

And deep breath...Im out.

I write from the press box at Hammons. I shit you not. the other team is taking BP and the hum of the kerosene cans that is heating up the food holders is so comforting...eye roll. Any way today is the last game of this short home stand. it was also team picture day with the team amidst a 10-game losing streak and with tomorrow being an off/travel day... i hope they relax and win one...finally.

Um and there's a train. Zim, in his mo-hawk glory, is doing stairs...eye roll. I half wonder if it is in solidarity with the Bears starting the Valley tourney in two days. If only the Bears would have swept UNI...but they still would have been second to WSU.

Sheesh i am a dork...about sports. I am sooo cool. Boy department is kinda lacking...I still haven't voted for a news-hottie ... LOL! I really don't do that kind of thing... but i do love listening to ...oh hey, i could do that right now...hehehe.

Bright spot of the day, wait for it, wait for it... I got to walk on the field. Of course, i was with mike but i was right behind the pitching mound. Mike was rambling...and i was in awe. THAT WAY SO FRICKEN AWESOME! like a good little JA i didn't walk on the grass until i was told i could. It was so soft between my toes...i slightly understand why the grounds guy doesn't like MSU on it unless necessary. I wouldn't either...that's what he gets paid to do, ya know. It is slightly ridiculous but was soft. Again i am a sports dork.

Summer... I stayed up til 1 reading a good book, (Sara, and it wasn't Nora Roberts!) It was awesome, i just have to remember that i need to take something so my feet won't hurt the next day...damn cement stairs.

WHew. that was a long post. It might be awhile til i write again. Gotta go to a wedding in Chicago over memorial weekend. Text if you are bored. I think i get to watch another cousin run in the Chiago I guess. I just want to sit in the Chicago Public Library off Michigan Avenue. I just want to sit still and do nothing, but read. They have these great big Lion statues guarding the building...when the Bears (football team) was doing well in the playoffs a few years ago they put helmets on the lions...It was funny looking. it was also so cold that winter the helmets cracked.

and deep breath....Im out.

May 15, 2008

End of a semester

Ah. Another year has come to an end. well semester. the year has really only just begun. (You can't hear it, but I just went into a horribly awesome rendition of Barry White.) 

Anyway, Sara does have every right to tease me. I think i would be sad if she didn't. And she is probably right again... (gag, i admitted two rights to her!) about needing a buddy. But as we were talking, I realized that i just don't have any time or money to be social. McDon kept saying as cute as i am...i am a dork. Yeah, I can see that. I really don't think of myself in a pretty girl way. I am just a hard-worker, that generally gets put to the side. So when i get attention from the opposite sex, i goes over my head. 

Ah, need to study for my last final. damn. This sucks. 

May 13, 2008


I got a random text from TV sports guy. He wants me and my yellow-haired counter part at the Cardinals to email one of the local radio stations for news hottie. eye roll. I thought it was funny that he would text me to ask that. It would be even funnier to send an email for big rob and make him think it was for little rob. I'm evil, i know. I am kinda unsure if i really want him to have my number. But can't go in time to change that... so eh. Oh well i guess. 

Finals week and packing to move back to my parents house sucks. I have two finals tomorrow and one Thursday. I am pre writing my 8:45 final, need to look over and review editing photos for my 11 final. And then Thursday's final i need to do well on so i can get a decent grade in the class. I need to do well on it. Its one of the final requirements to graduate. Along with my internship....gah. I don't want to even think about that right now. Home stand starts Friday. at least its a short one. Though there will be a long ass one in June. Fun. 

Oh Two-No Boy is staying in town this summer. I honestly doubt i will see him. In my mind i had put ended that friendship. Weird I know. But i had rationalized it to be like any college friendship. Just a semester or two long. Then go separate ways in life and such. I only saw him because we lived in the same building. 

And i only see TV sports guy because of sporting events. 

Sad reality.

May 9, 2008


I survived. I stayed sober for freaking sakes. Then again i walked home because my roommates shacked at their respective boys places. whatever. which also means that i texted TV sports guy. so he now has my number... so yeah probably shouldn't have done that. I ran into the running dirk, and witnessed a water fight at sunvilla and went to sleep in the basement watching sportscenter. Whooo! Im wild.

People and the smallest things are annoying me. Indecisiveness is seriously one of my pet peeves. Either you want to eat or you want to go without. You want to go to dinner with some graduating seniors or you want to hang with the boy toy. its that simple. And yes i am peeved that i got ditched again. it sucks being reminded that i only have a teddy bear and a bunk bed to come back to. It kinda hurts when you have to know that you seem undateable.

Leo horoscope for today: you keep visiting a place in your imagination where the future and the past mingle. you may know more about what you said yesterday and what you will look like next year than you do about the present.

Interesting how close those hit.

May 8, 2008

this might be the end

I just hope i survive. Apparently i caused a tizzy when i came back to the house drunk. Whatever. I am 21. I can legally do it in public. Woop-dee-doo. I just want to sleep. the 8-game home stand finally caught up with me. And i kinda want to possibly have the chance to see sports TV guy. 

May 7, 2008

Bruised knees, rain in sheets, and 2500 words

I fell again yesterday at the library. I slipped on a puddle of water and skinned my knee through my sweat pants. Today i have a gnarly bruise to match the others on my other knee. I called my mom and told her that i fell again, and she asked me if i was drunk. The sad thing is that every time i fall i am sober. Since last Sunday, i have fallen three times. that's once every three days. I am a certifiable klutz. I have gotten used to it. It comes in waves. Sara recommended that i wear shoes that i won't fall in. The depressing thing is that i have fallen, tripped or somehow bruised myself in every pair of shoes that i own. It would be easy to blame the inanimate object that i put on my feet, but it is all me. God help me.

The rain has died down somewhat, but still coming down, as it is predicted to do so all day. 100% chance of rain. Baseball is probably rained out against MU, yet again this year. 

I was sitting on a bench at walnut and JQH parkway and saw some family friends last night. I also got waved at by an older gentleman i couldn't recognize until he came back around. It was my boss from sports info. He asked me if i still had an office key. Eye roll. It seemed so random.
This also gave me an idea: Top 10 reasons you know you are a true Springfieldian. I don't know if i want to be proud of it.

May 6, 2008

Klutz and "out of my shell"

I am a klutz. They had described me as quiet and now they are slowly getting to know me better. I was of course running thru the stadium because I forgot to give the visiting team their stats and on my way down the stairs my shoe fell off at the last one. Bam! I am on my knees in front of Dirk, about 20 fans on the other side of the fence, and the head usher guy. I just laughed at myself. I kinda just sat there on my knees thinking what else man, what else? Then again I was also hurrying to leave so i could have margaritas with Sara at Cheddars so...

I guess last night, at game seven of eight in this home stand, Mike officially declared me "out of my shell." Since it was 5th of may, we were handed sombreros to wear. I wore mine most of the game. But one of the many times i was coming up from the elevator, Mike and Josh were walking out of the home radio booth, and my hat slid to the side of my head. Mike just gives me a smirk and that they were just talking about me. Great. Josh tells him that I never shut up. Which is pretty true. Silence kills me. (LOL) I chuckle at the thought and I go on to tell them that Mary found a sticker in my hair that said Made In Mexico. Any way, Mike comes in later in the third inning. I'm talking to one of the various TV sports anchor guys and i still have the sombrero on. Apparently Mike made a Neal Diamond reference on the radio because of the Travs starting pitcher had the last name of Denham. I told him he should have done joke but he looked at me clueless. The TV guy knew what i was talking about. Mike asked if i was on a sugar high. Josh agreed that I am usually like this in the press box. Mike said that the only person that I talk to in the office is myself. Well, generally that is the only person who listens and sometimes i don't even listen to myself. I have been slowly bonding with the other interns, but its hard when i am in the booth and they are on the concourse and i am there a whole lot longer than they are on game days. At the very end, top of the 9th when i leave to go run stats, a little boy who's buddies all had a sombrero, asked me for mine. All i wanted was a photo with the 'brero going "OLE!"

May 2, 2008

Petite and described as quiet?

I have always been a solid girl. I think it was more muscle, but i was never really the skinny petite that a lot of my friends were. I also hung around a lot of blonds, but that's here nor there. And i tend to find guys who are a skinny lean attractive. Either its a dominance thing or what I desire in myself. I haven't felt small, well more petite, (I always feel short. I work with men's basketball players.) until last night. I was just standing next to TV sports guy, who has to be over 6-3, and i felt petite. It overwhelmed me a bit. I had to look up at him to make some type of come back at him. I must mention that he was still wearing make-up he uses for on-air stuff. 

Maybe its the big dog in a little dog body mentality. But only a few of my guy friends have ever made me feel petite. They always towered over me, i hung out with athletes in high school, (Go figure, right?), and only one really made me feel like that. I think i have matured a bit in my female thought process. Which slightly scares me, maybe worry is more like it. 

Oh, so apparently I am the quiet one at the Cardinals and Sports Info. I mean I like what I am getting to do, even if doing the stats are going to make me uber nervous tonight, and so therefore i take it serious. Sara and Larrea laughed at the idea of me being quiet. Even TV sports guy denied the idea of me as being described as quiet. Duane and some of the other account executives kinda laughed at the description too, but they see my more laid back style. Mike is very high maintenance so therefore, I don't need to be and take with whatever is thrown my way a little more relaxed. I want so badly to work in an area that is dominated by men, whether at an university or a professional level. I have to be more laid back and they don't necessarily need to tiptoe around me.